The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires colleges and universities that participate in federal student aid programs to disclose certain information to current and prospective students and to university employees.
General Information
Category: Institution Information
San Juan Bautista School of Medicine, an institution that provides excellent education for students who want to enter the healthcare profession. The academic programs encourage the intellectual development of the students and offers the opportunity for graduates to become healthcare professionals who will serve humanity with dedication and compassion, with the highest ethical and moral standards.
For information regarding other alternatives, refer to:
- Federal College Navigator - (Spanish version)
- Federal College Scorecard -
Category: Academic Programs
Academic Programs
- Medicine Degree
- Master of Physician Assistant
- Master in Public Health
- Bachelor in Science of Nursing
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: Academic Calendar
Category: School and Program Accreditation
The SJBSM is accredited by the following agencies:
Oficina de Licenciamiento de Instituciones Educativas (ORLIE)
The Oficina de Licenciamiento de Instituciones Educativas (ORLIE), previously known as the Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico (CEPR), is attached to the Department of Education of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. It was created with the essential purpose of licensing private basic education institutions private and public post-secondary institutions and raising the quality of education in Puerto Rico to the highest international standards to develop an education of excellence with innovation and technology on the Island.
The MD program of SJBSM was licensed by ORLIE in 1978. In 2016, ORLIE approved the renewal of San Juan Bautista School of Medicine’s license to continue operating as a higher education institution in Puerto Rico, including two new academic programs: Master in Public Health and Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The license was valid for a term of five (5) years. In 2020, the license was amended to include a Master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies, and in February of 2022, the license was renewed until July of 2026. The next site visit will take in the academic year 2026-27.
For inquiries and/or complaints, please contact the Oficina de Licenciamiento de Instituciones Educativas (ORLIE) by visiting
Middle State Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)
MSCHE is a voluntary, non-governmental, regional membership association recognized by both the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Its main purpose is to define, maintain, and promote educational excellence across institutions of higher education.
MSCHE approved SJBSM accreditation in 2007. In 2015 the accreditation was renewed with the inclusion of two new academic programs: Public Health and Nursing. SJBSM officially commenced the next round of self-study, in preparation for the scheduled visit and evaluation by MSCHE. In 2020, MSCHE approved the Physician Assistant program. The last MSCHE visit was in Spring of 2021.
For inquiries and/or complaints, please contact Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) by visiting
Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)
LCME accreditation is a voluntary, peer-reviewed process of quality assurance that determines whether the medical education program meets established standards. This process also fosters institutional and programmatic improvement. To achieve and maintain accreditation, a medical education program leading to the MD degree in the United States and Canada must meet the LCME accreditation standards contained in the LCME document Functions and Structure of a Medical School.
LCME approved SJBSM accreditation in 2007. The last site visit was in 2017 and LCME granted SJBSM the longest term of accreditation available. The next accreditation visit will be in 2024-2025. For information about accreditation status, please contact LCME/LCME Secretariats by visiting LCME Accreditation Directory .
For inquiries and/or complaints, please contact the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) by visiting
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
CCNE is an autonomous accrediting agency, that provides a voluntary, self-regulatory process for baccalaureate, graduate, and residency programs in nursing. It serves by assessing and identifying programs that engage in effective educational practices; encouraging continuing self-assessment; supporting continuing growth and improvement of collegiate professional education and nurse residency programs.
CCNE approved SJBSM accreditation in 2020. The next accreditation visit will be in Spring 2025.
For inquiries and/or complaints, please contact the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) by visiting
Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA)
- ARC-PA is an independent accrediting body authorized to accredit qualified PA educational programs leading to the professional credential, Physician Assistant (PA). Accreditation is a process of quality assurance that determines whether the program meets established standards for function, structure and performance. The ARC-PA does not accredit any academic degree awarded by the sponsoring institution of the PA program.
ARC-PA granted Accreditation-Provisional to SJBSM Master Physician Assistant Program in 20. Accreditation -- Provisional is an accreditation status granted when the plans and resource allocation, if fully implemented as planned, of a proposed program that has not yet enrolled students appear to demonstrate the program's ability to meet the ARC-PA Standards or when a program holding accreditation-provisional status appears to demonstrate continued progress in complying with the Standards as it prepares for the graduation of the first class (cohort) of students. Accreditation -- Provisional does not ensure any subsequent accreditation status. It is limited to no more than five years from matriculation of the first class. The program's accreditation history can be found on the ARC-PA website at: For inquiries and/or complaints, please contact the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) by visiting [](
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Academic Affairs Advisor
Ana L. Bermudez Segarra, MD, MPH, FAAP
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 252
Category: Cost of Attendance
Estimated Student Cost Budgets
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Institutional Catalog
- MD Tuition and Fees 24-25
- MPA Tuition and Fees 24-25
- MPH Tuition and Fees 24-25
- BSN Tuition and Fees 24-25
- DNP Tuition and Fees 24-25
Contact Information:
Beatriz De León-Rivera, M.B.A.
Student Financial Aid Office Director
(787) 743-3038, Ext. 268
Category: Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities**
Accommodations and Accessibility Policy
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Executive Order 2006-03 Institutional Policy Regarding Admission of Candidates with Disabilities
- Executive Order 2007-01 Procedure for students requests for a reasonable accommodation
- Student Programs Coordination Office
Contact Information:
Student Programs Director
Mrs. Yaidy L. Cruz, M.Ed.
(787)743-3038 Ext. 233
Category: Non-discrimination Policy
SJBSM is committed to assure that the academic programs and activities intended for students are accessible to all. The school in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and school policies, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ancestry, national and ethnic origin, citizenship, or marital, parental, and veteran status; and nay other characteristic protected by federal law in the administration of tits educational policies, admission policies, and financial aid programs.
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
Associate Dean Students Affair
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: FERPA --- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Student Education Record Privacy
Supporting Documentation/Link:
- Executive Order 2012-03 Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA) Annual Notification
- Executive Order 90-03 Regulation for Access to a Student Academic Record
Contact Information:
Registrar Office Director
Nildalee Meléndez Rosa
(787) 743 3038, Ext. 243
Category: Net Price Calculator
Predict College Expenses
Supporting Documentation/Link:
Contact Information:
Student Financial Aid Office Director
Beatriz De León-Rivera, M.B.A.
(787) 743-3038, ext. 268
Category: Student Complaint Procedures
SJBSM is committed to assuring a safe and supportive learning environment by promoting professional conduct, the respect towards each individual's rights, and the appreciation of diversity and individual differences. If you have experienced or witnessed mistreatment, we encourage you to report it using one of the following methods:
- Contact Course/Clerkship Director directly
- Contact corresponding Associate Dean directly
- Contact the Associate Dean for Students Affairs directly
- Report issues through course/clerkship evaluations
- Use SJB Student Hotline for anonymous reports
Supporting Documentation/Link:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: Disclosure of Social Security
Comply with accrediting agencies that have established as a requirement for all institutions of higher education that they have information available for students and employees on its institutional policy banning the use and disclosure of the social security.
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: Student Diversity
Institutional Enrollment by Gender and Ethnicity
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Executive Order 2006-12 Equity and Diversity Policy
- Institutional Enrollment by Gender and Ethnicity Report
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: Transfer of Credit Policies
Requirements of Transfer Credits by Programs
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Health and Safety
Category: Crime Statistic Report and Policy
SJBSM Crime Statistic Report and Policy
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Executive Order 2011-08 Institutional Policy Regarding the Right to be Informed and to Alert Regarding Criminal Activity and Safety on the Campus of the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine to Students and Employees
- Crime Statistics Report
Contact Information:
Dean of Administration
Sr. Carlos Abreu
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 227
Category: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Substance Abuse Prevention and Education
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: Vaccination (Immunization) Policies
Immunization Requirements for Incoming Students
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: Harassment and Discrimination Grievance Policy and Procedure
San Juan Bautista School of Medicine is committed to providing an environment that is free of harassment and will not tolerate discriminatory or harassing behavior by any employee, student, or third party in connection with an educational program.
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: Policy and Procedure on Criminal Background Check
This policy is designed to provide a safe environment for patients, visitors, faculty, employees, and students at the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine. Criminal background check allow the SJBSM to evaluate whether students possess the character and appropriateness to participate in clinical education activities.
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Student Outcomes
Category: Students Enrollment
Report by Program
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Students Outcome Report - pending update
Contact Information:
Learning Assessment Office Director
Mr. Fernando Gonzalez Jimenez, MPH
(787) 743-3038 x 252
Category: Transfer Students
Report by Program
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Students Outcome Report - pending update
Contact Information:
Learning Assessment Office Director
Mr. Fernando Gonzalez Jimenez, MPH
(787) 743-3038 x 252
Category: Retention Rates
Report by Program
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Students Outcome Report - pending update
Contact Information:
Learning Assessment Office Director
Mr. Fernando Gonzalez Jimenez, MPH
(787) 743-3038 x 252
Category: Graduation Rates
Graduation Reports by Program
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Students Outcome Report - pending update
Contact Information:
Learning Assessment Office Director
Mr. Fernando Gonzalez Jimenez, MPH
(787) 743-3038 x 252
Category: Board Passing Rate
MD and BSN students Board Passing Rates
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Students Outcome Report - pending update
Contact Information:
Learning Assessment Office Director
Mr. Fernando Gonzalez Jimenez, MPH
(787) 743-3038 x 252
Category: Residency Placements
MD Students Residency Placement
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Students Outcome Report - pending update
Contact Information:
Student Programs Director
Mrs. Yaidy L. Cruz, M.Ed.
(787)743-3038 Ext. 233
Information About Student Financial Assistance
Category: Refund Policy
In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Education Department, the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine has established a Refund Policy for those students who pay their tuition cost through non-Title IV Funds.
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Student Financial Aid Office Director
Beatriz De León-Rivera, M.B.A.
(787) 743-3038, Ext. 268
Category: Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
In order to comply with Federal Student Aid Program Title IV and the U.S. Department of
Education requirements for eligibility for federal student financial aid, the San Juan Bautista
School of Medicine has established a Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP). This policy applies to all students enrolled in our institution, regardless of the program and the funds used to pay institutional fees. The federal student aid program of Title IV requires that each student receiving aid funds meet the criteria established in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP).
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: Policy to returning funds to federal (Title IV) Program
The policy for returning funds to federal Title IV program will apply to student participating in federal Title IV program (Federal Pell Grants) and other federal programs, that withdraw, are withdraw, or are expelled from the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine after having started the to attend classes, but with 60% of term (semester). This policy is mandatory pursuant to the changes from the Reauthorization Act 1998 to the Higher Education Act as amended, and is effective for all withdraws or expulsion occurring on or after October 7, 2000.
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Student Financial Aid Office Director
Beatriz De León-Rivera, M.B.A.
(787) 743-3038, Ext. 268
Category: Assistance Available from Federal, State, Local and Institutional Programs
Financial Aid Availability
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Student Financial Aid Office Director
Beatriz De León-Rivera, M.B.A.
(787) 743-3038, Ext. 268
Category: Leave of Absence, Withdrawal, and Readmission Policy
Leave of Absence, Withdrawal, and Readmission Policy
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Associate Dean Students Affair
Dr. Yolanda Miranda Portugues
(787) 743-3038 Ext. 256
Category: Armed Forces of the United States and the National Guard of Puerto Rico
Compliance with the provision of Act. 109 April 11, 2003 that aim to establish protective measures for students enrolled at Higher Education Institutions and that have been activate in the armed forces of the United States and the National Guard of Puerto Rico. The law provides certain obligations that are intended to avoid academic and financial penalties.
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Student Financial Aid Office Director
Beatriz De León-Rivera, M.B.A.
(787) 743-3038, ext. 268
Category: Entrance and Exit Counseling for Student Borrowers
Loan Counseling
Supporting Documentation/Links:
- Rights and Responsibilities Summary Checklist Exit Counseling
- Rights and Responsibilities Summary Checklist Entrance Counseling
Contact Information:
Student Financial Aid Office Director
Beatriz De León-Rivera, M.B.A.
(787) 743-3038, ext. 268
Category: National Student Loan Data System
The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) central database for student aid. NSLDS receives data from schools, guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program, and other Department of ED programs. NSLDS Student Access provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants so that recipients of Title IV Aid can access and inquire about their Title IV loans and/or grant data.
Supporting Documentation/Links:
Contact Information:
Student Financial Aid Office Director
Beatriz De León-Rivera, M.B.A.
(787) 743-3038, ext. 268