Working Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Monday to Friday)
Student Programs Director
Main Lobby, Office #10
787-743-3038 Ext. 233
Administrative Assistant
Main Lobby, Office #10
787-743-3038 Ext. 212

The Office of the Student Programs Director coordinates the Accessibility Services (Reasonable Accommodation Program) for all of our students; and the MD Career Development Program, which in concordance with the programs developed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), provides personalized advice and assistance to medical students during the process of making decisions on their career goals.
Accessibility Services (Reasonable Accommodation Program)
The Accessibility Services program promotes and ensures that no student with a documented disability is denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under the SJBSM educational programs and activities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and applicable state law.
Executive Order 2007-01: Procedure for Student Requests for a Reasonable Accommodation identifies the rights and responsibilities of students seeking an academic adjustment, auxiliary aid or service, or any other reasonable accommodation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA. Qualified students and applicants who need to obtain a reasonable accommodation must request a meeting with the Student Programs Director to review the application requirements and procedures to initiate the determination process. Appointments are coordinated through the Administrative Assistant of the Student Programs Coordination Office.
The Student Programs Director reviews and approves or denies all requests for accommodation or academic adjustments on an individualized basis and offers lectures on accessibility services for our students and staff. In addition, she is an ADA/504 Coordinator as certified by the Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA), to provide oversight of compliance with Section 504/ADA and oversee the disability-based grievance processes, which are designed to address circumstances of challenge by students dissatisfied with our institution’s process or response.
All medical records related to students’ disabilities are kept confidential in a file separated from academic records under the custody of the Students Program Director.
MD Career Development Program
The MD Career Development Program is mainly based on the Careers in Medicine® (CiM) Program developed by the AAMC, whose principal goal is to help students learn how to make well-informed career decisions, not only in selecting a specialty and a residency program but throughout their careers as physicians using a thoughtful career planning process. The Student Programs Director serves as the CiM Liaison and coordinates program activities, such as workshops and events, sponsored by the school. Each workshop addresses a specific topic and provides workshop materials, assessment tools, demonstrations on the availability of online resources, discussion sessions, and dynamic activities. In addition, several student organizations and specialty interest groups coordinate career development events throughout the year.
Students are exposed to and familiarized with the CiM resources all through their MD academic program, since the beginning of the first year through the fourth year of medical studies. They are encouraged to use these resources during the advising process and meet with the Student Programs Director to discuss their results, as well as their curriculum vitae (CV) and personal statement as part of their residency application and matching process. Through this process, fourth-year medical students are advised on using the Electronic Residency Application Service® (ERAS) and National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP) by the Student Programs Director, who also serves as the ERAS Administrator and the NRMP School Official.
Every year, the SJBSM family celebrates with our students, their families, and friends’ accomplishments at our traditional Match Day Ceremony.