The Deanship of Students Affairs encourages the development of student organizations. Any student and/or students who wish to organize or create an Interest Group in accordance with the school policies either with academic purposes, sporting and/or religious motives is welcome to do so. To obtain official status for the student organization, the student must submit a proposal of the organization to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs for approval. Once approved, the Interest Group must maintain a close relationship with the Deanship of Students Affairs, to ensure that all activities are approved and coordinated through this office. A Student Association Registry of all certified student organizations and their goals is available at the Deanship of Student Affairs. For more information, contact

The following are some of our Medical School’s student organizations: 2024-2025

  1. Consejo General de Estudiantes
  2. Internal Medicine Interest Group- ACP American College pf Physicians
  3. Familie Medicine
  4. Latino Medical Student Association LMSA
  5. Pediatric Interest Group
  6. Grupo de Interes de Psiquiatría
  7. Emergency Interest Group
  8. Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group
  9. Obstetrics and Gynecology & women’s Health
  10. SJB Mini Med
  11. Dermatology Interest Group
  12. AMWA American Medical Women Association
  13. Por una Sonrisa
  14. Ped Meds
  15. Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Disease
  16. Orthopedic Surgery Int. Group
  17. Proyecto Arbona: Health Policy Interest Group
  18. Health Ecology Club
  19. SJB Journal
  20. LGBTQ and Allied Health Professinals Student Ass.
  21. Asoc. Estudiantes de Salud Pública
  22. Bioethics-Clinical Interest Group
  23. SJBSM Precision Medicine Interest Group
  24. Cirugia Plástica Reconstructiva
  25. Association of Women Surgeons
  26. Deaf Community & Health Alliance (DCHA)
  27. Medical Students for Choice (MSFC)
  28. Women in Radiology Education (WIRED) SJB Chapter
  29. The Coping Center SJB
  30. Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group – Martha Garcia
  31. Neurology Interest Group
  32. SJBMS Precision Medicine Interest Group
  33. Research Development Group
  34. Mind Over Matter Association (MOMA)
  35. Holistics Plastics
  36. Biometa (BSN)
  37. Medical Students for the Elderly
  38. Asociación Salud Pública
  39. SJB Student and Alumni Assoc.
  40. Orthopedic Surgery
  41. Platiquemos en Señas
  42. San Juan Bautista School of Medicine for Juvenile Diabetes
  43. Paws
  44. ACP American College of Physicians
  45. American Muslimn Medical Student Ass.
  46. Neurosurgery Interst Group
  47. Addiction Medicine Int. Group
  48. Gastroenterology Int. Group
  49. Anestesiologia Int. Group
  50. Salud en Ruedas Int. Group
  51. Medical Imaging
  52. Endocrinologia Int. Group
  53. Clinical Reasoning Int. Group
  54. Asoc. Medicina Deportiva
  55. Ophthalmology Int. Group
  56. Pain Management Student Assoc.
  57. Community Outreach and Opioid Awareness
  58. Grupo de Interes de Cardiologia
  59. AMA -American Medical Assoc.
  60. The San Juan Bautista School of Medicine Nursing Students Association
  61. National Students Nurses Association (NSNA)

General Student Council

The General Student Council is established to encourage and channel the effective participation of students in issues of interest to them and related to the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine. It constitutes the official forum for the analysis, discussion, and review of students’ needs and aspirations, and for the expression of student perspectives relative to topics and issues within the academic community.

Students who wish to participate as members of the General Student Council must comply with the requirements established in the Student Manual. Each of the academic levels for all three programs has representation in this organization, and students elect their own representatives.

Gold Humanism and Honor Society (GHHS)

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation works with healthcare professionals to ensure that compassion, respect and empathy are at the core of all healthcare interactions. Dr. Arnold P. Gold, founder of the foundation, is a world-renowned pediatric neurologist at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. He and his wife Dr. Sandra Gold, and their colleagues began the Foundation in 1988 with the power of an idea – to nurture and preserve the tradition of the caring physician.

Inspiration for GHHS began in the late 1990s when medical educators and residency program directors convened to explore the viability of an honor society to promote humanistic values and behaviors. Since its inception, GHHS has grown in stature and influence to become a vital part of medical school and residency training program cultures throughout the US. A heart-shaped stethoscope became the foundations logo. It represents Humanism in health care, reflected by attitudes and behaviors that are sensitive to the values and the cultural and ethnic backgrounds of others.

Along with the GHHS Advisors, the society will be composed of students who are nominated in the second semester of third year. The selection process has two phases. In the first phase, third year students will have the opportunity to nominate class mates who have demonstrated professional and ethical behavior worthy of imitation. Nominations are submitted to an evaluation committee that makes the final decision. Membership to GHHS goes beyond selection and induction into an honor society; its members have a responsibility to model, support, and advocate for compassionate, patient-centered care throughout their careers. As humanistic healthcare professionals, they are expected to demonstrate:

  • Integrity: the congruence between expressed values and behavior
  • Excellence: clinical expertise
  • Compassion: the awareness and acknowledgement of the suffering of another
    and the desire to relieve it
  • Altruism: the capacity to put the needs and interests of another before your own
  • Respect: the regard for the autonomy and values of another person
  • Empathy: the ability to put oneself in another’s situation, e.g., physician as
  • Service: the sharing of one’s talent, time and resources with those in need;
    giving beyond what is required.

Delta Alpha Omega Alpha (ΔAΩA)

The Alpha Omega Alpha Society was founded in 1902, as a national medical honor society. Its mission is as follows:
AΩA is dedicated to the belief that in the profession of medicine we will improve care for all by:

  • recognizing high educational achievement;
  • honoring gifted teaching;
  • encouraging the development of leaders in academia and the community;
  • supporting the ideals of humanism; and
  • promoting service to others.

Election to Alpha Omega Alpha is an honor signifying a lasting commitment to professionalism, leadership, scholarship, research, and community service. A lifelong honor, membership in the society confers recognition for a physician’s dedication to the profession and art of healing. (

The Alpha Omega Alpha National Chapter approved the implementation of a new AOA chapter at SJBSM on August 13, 2020, and were assigned the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet “Delta” = Δ. We are more than pleased to know that our medical students who qualify will have the opportunity to be nominated to become members of the ‘Honor Medical Society AOA’.

All those interested in information and procedures can access or contact Dr. Yolanda Miranda Associate Dean of Students Affairs or Dr. José Ginel Rodriguez, Dean of Health Sciences and Chapter Councilor for SJBSM Delta Alpha Omega Alpha Chapter (ΔAΩA).

The San Juan Bautista School of Medicine Nursing Students Association

The purpose is to assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality of health care. To provide programs representative of fundamental interests and concerns to nursing students. To aid in the development of the whole person, including his/her professional role, his/her responsibility for health care of people in all walks of life.

By Law: Nursing Students Association by Law.pdf

National Students Nurses Association (NSNA)

NSNA is dedicated to fostering the professional development of nursing students. The Mission of NSNA is to bring together and mentor students preparing for initial licensure as registered nurses, as well as those enrolled in baccalaureate completion programs. Convey the standards and ethics of the nursing profession. Promote development of the skills that students will need as responsible and accountable members of the nursing profession. Advocate for high quality, evidence-based, affordable and accessible health care. Advocate for and contribute to advances in nursing education. Develop nursing students who are prepared to lead the profession in the future.